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Detection of Cu element alterations using Landsat 8 images in Nagisan region, Kerman




The Nagisan area is located in the southeast of Kerman province in Iran. This area promises to consist of economic copper deposits based on its geological settings. The applicability of remote sensing has proved to be a suitable approach for initial mineral exploration. In this research, we used Landsat8 satellite imagery to identify alteration zones. The method we applied to images for atmospheric correction used FLASH, and for image processing, we used MTMF and band ratio. The image processing methods used are trustworthy and reliable and have been used in different research. The results of both methods were acceptable, and based on the results, further exploration can be done. The main idea of this research is lithological mapping and indicates alteration zones.




















Geological map of Nagisan


Mineral potential detection using AHP and SWARA methods in Nagisan area, east of Kerman




Nagisan is located east of Kerman, and few studies have been performed in this area. However, this location is important in terms of the probability of the existence of copper deposits. Previous remote sensing studies in this area showed a high potential for copper deposits. Therefore, it is essential to locate high potential locations for further studies. Mineral potential detection is performed using remote sensing images, geochemical river sediment data, geological data, and faults. A combination of fuzzy logic with Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Stepwise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis (SWARA) was used for potential detection. Both methods showed similarities in results with minor differences.

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