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My name is Amirhossein, and I am about to graduate with a Master of Science in Mining Exploration Engineering from the Amir Kabir University of Technology with a GPA of 3.63 out of 4. My master’s thesis is about Mineral Potential Detection in the GIS Environment that I am nowadays working on, and it will be defended soon. I have published two domestic conference papers from it. The focus of my thesis is on the two main criteria. Firstly, analyzing geochemical data from stream sediments. Secondly, detecting areas with high potential for further mineral exploration by integrating geochemical, geological, and remote sensing images in GIS. Two domestic conference papers have been published from it. In addition to my master’s thesis, I am now working on my programming (Python) and machine learning skills. I want to use ML for potential detecting instead of knowledge-driven methods.

My bachelor’s thesis is entitled” Time-lapse ERT Monitoring of Tailings Dams,” for which I received a perfect score. For my bachelor’s thesis, I researched different methods for monitoring dams, especially levees, focusing on geophysical methods.

In terms of work experience, I have worked for my internship in two well-known firms. One was a cement company and the other was a laboratory focousing on rocks and soil analysis. During this period, I Performed various soil and rock mechanics experiments. I worked in chemistry, rock mechanics, and X-ray labs. My research and work experience and participation in several online courses and workshops helped hone my laboratory (Descriptive mineralogy laboratory and Soil mechanics laboratory) and computer skills (Python, ArcGIS, and Envi). Studying an engineering major has improved me in various areas, especially mathematics. Because of broad lessons in mining engineering, I have been introduced to earth sciences fields. It is also worth mentioning that I scored seven on my overall score on the IELTS exam.

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